Saturday, May 24, 2008

Happy B-day Bryan!!!!

Wow -- Bryan hit the mid-way point between 30 and 40 this week . .. I'll let you do the math! We go all out for gifts at our house . . . he loves these kinds of granola bars (they actually taste like candy bars) but they haven't been on sale for a long time and I haven't bought them recently. So. . . for his birthday, I paid FULL PRICE for them! (Can you tell neither of us have a love language of giving gifts????!)

We went up to M/D Varner's since my bro and sis-in-law were there. Fun times!

And, to be dumb, I thought I'd include the recent pics of the basement on the same post as his birthday since I'm sure he was delighted to spend so much time there this week! This is the bi-fold closet opening for some MEGA STORAGE! Wa-hoo!

My storage tubs can't wait to have a new "home!"

We think the previous owner must have purchased all of his lumber from "Twisted and bowed 2x4's R US." Let's just say that it has taken a lot of creativity and patience to "fix" the modern art he had going in some places. One time, we held the level up to the soffet (sp?) and the bubble was COMPLETELY on the side . .. um . .. probably wouldn't have worked!

Hope you had a wonderful birthday week, dear!

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