Friday, February 22, 2008

Joshua's first movie!!!!

Joshua got to go to the movie theater for the FIRST TIME today! It was so much fun to go with him (Thanks for staying home with Kayla, Bryan!). We saw "The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything" -- and Joshua thought it was pretty cool to see Veggie Tales.

Ok . .. this looks a little goofy because the room is actually VERY DARK. He amused himself by trying to get the chair bottom to come up and down -- which of course would fold him up like a little accordion!

Like father like son . . . the arcade in the lobby was a VERY STRONG attraction -- so much so that I didn't know whether we would get into the theater or not! We had a great time together -- I am realizing that my alone time with just Joshua is harder and harder to have, so I treasured this little excursion.

Kayla has finally gone from two naps (one morning, one afternoon) to one . . . which means that that the late mornings/lunch times are REALLY hard for her . . .

. . . she just couldn't make it through lunch!

1 comment:

Karis said...

Yeah for one on one time with Mommy. I was picturing the arcade distraction in the lobby. :-)

Ah, the two to one nap transition!