Saturday, October 10, 2009

soo, soo behind. . .

Should have posted these about a month ago . . . sorry! Kayla and Uncle Ryan . . .their matching iPhones!

One of our last summer bike excursions -- we love it!

Our favorite is stopping for a bite to eat at Sonic on the Shunga Trail.


The kids had been begging to go miniature golfing -- so we went several weeks ago on Bryan's day off. Bryan and I just helped the older two, so we managed to pay $5 for the whole family since Kayla was free!

And this would be what happens when the ball gets "stuck" in the alligator mouth! Quite comical, eh?

Mr. Lucky -- yes, he earned a free game! So it was REALLY a budget-friendly excursion!

1 comment:

The Trendy Family said...

Looks like you guys have had fun! They are getting so big and tall i should say.. thanks for sharing the pics