Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Happy Fall/WInter!

Well, it seems that the "fall" weather escaped us this year . . . but here's a few pics to represent this season! Joshua with one of his "buds" from our church's fall festival.

Kayla and Bryan on the hayrack ride.

You know when people warn you that pumpkins take up a lot of room . . . you should really heed their advice . . .

. . . but it was worth it, right????


Joshua chopping his pumpkin off of the vine.

Bryan got such a kick out of Tyler strongly disliking his green beans that he actually videoed him. Like father like son.

Happy 6-months!

And this would be why Joshua is much more successful at getting Tyler to smile than I am!


1 comment:

Karis said...

6 months already! It's hard to believe. Great pictures of the kids -- you guys are definitely blessed.