Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Potty Training . . . kind of!

Well, as you might have guessed, this was Kayla's potty chart. After weeks, months of . . . um . . .less than stellar success, she up and pottied FOUR times in one morning. And, since we had promised a trip to Chuck E. Cheese when the chart got completed, we had to follow through -- even though we were fairly confident our potty training journey had just begun!

And, G/G Nelson ended up being here this weekend because of a funeral in NE, so they got to join in on the fun! Mom took "Tyler duty" which allowed us to really play with J & K!

She is looking way too grown up :(.

The men-folk! I might just mention that Joshua was Kayla's BIGGEST cheerleader in the whole potty training thing. You don't supposed he had personal motivation, do you????

Check out the form!

We had a great weekend -- Two, yes, TWO batches of home made ice cream, wrestling with grandpa and . . .

Joshua's first T-ball experience! It was great being indoors (translation -- no sun issues, kids running all over, etc). The funniest part was seeing them "field" the ball when it was hit. The fielding team would "dog pile" in order to get the ball . . . and then throw it to the coach. So funny! I'm sure Joshua was getting the coach up-to-date about something in this photo!


Giving high fives at the end

And, we started swimming lessons this week -- with today's heat index of 105 we DEFINITELY have not been shivering during lessons!

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