Monday, June 08, 2009

Tyler Two Month

Here's our two-month old! (Actually he's two months and one week in this pic as I've been behind on EVERYTHING lately!) OK -- so he's two months, right? Would you like to guess what the size of this very outfit is? NINE MONTHS. Yes, I know - it's a little crazy!

Serious bonding time with the boys!

You "Type-A'ers" out there will appreciate this! For the past year or so we (I) have been missing one of the blue gears from this toy. It has been driving me CRAZY because everything time we (I) put the toys away, there has been this huge, gaping hole with the gears. So, last week, I was doing some "thorough" cleaning in the kitchen and had to move the stove away from the wall. And . . . lo and behind . . . there was the blue gear thingy. I WAS SO EXCITED! Won't go into detail about what else one discovers behind the stove after a year's time. . .

This past weekend, we had planned a fun Sat. for the kids which involved a trip to KC. Well, just as we left, we happened to see this huge kite flying not far away. So, we drove to the site, only to see there was a kite festival taking place. The kids were absolutely enthralled with the kites and we opted to nix the KC plans and stay in town! This huge catepillar thing was a hit -- we loved it!

I think I took about 20 pics of this kite. Isn't it cool? The dude was getting it to do all of these loop-ti-loop things. Very fun!

Joshua enjoyed all of the "ground" kites -- just at his level!

Here is Kayla getting "attacked" by the catepillar kite!

And the chicken . . .what kite festival would be complete with a chicken kite????

After a highly UN-successful "let's support the local high school band with the car wash" the kids and Bryan decided to tackle the car. Kayla was obviously losing her pants -- something tells me she wasn't overly concerned about it!

Joshua, that's a very interesting way to clean the car, bud!

After a year or so of deliberating whether we should plant some trees or not, Bryan started the task at about 2pm -- translation -- it was about 100 degrees out there! And as always, took much longer than anticipated, right dear???

OK, you can't really see it, but there are three newly-planted trees!

For all you PA people -- we had quite the suprise on Sunday when some friends from PA showed up before the second service at our church! We had a blast spending the day with them! Thanks, guys, for making the trip to see us . . . doesn't happen much in KS!

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