Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The moment we've all been waiting for . . .

OK, well not this moment! My family got suckered into coming over after church on Sunday and formed a "brigade" to move all of the JUNK from the basement up to the office so that we could have the carpet laid. Thanks guys! We owe you!

The view as the carpet dudes got here . .

The finished product!!!! I decided that my dream of getting everything "in place" before I posted pics would just NOT HAPPEN for several weeks, so here is the "kid friendly" basement!

Another view!

The toys that have been boxed away, dust-covered for months! We are loving chillin' out in the basment!


Anonymous said...

Lisa -

The basement looks great! Bryan did a wonderful job. You will LOVE having a place that is out of site and the kids can just take over - I don't know what we would do without ours! Now (with a teenager) . . . it is a great place for a party! Great for mom and dad, too, as it keeps the laughing, yelling girls a bit out of hearing range!

Karis said...

How fun to catch up on your blog and the basement looks great. I got a kick out of the Labor Day project and Bryan's face and your buttering him up.

I know you have to love having the toys back out and a place for them to go play!