Wednesday, September 10, 2008

A quick catch-up

I will try to keep this in chronological order . . . you're welcome, Rebecca!

Last week, we (Bryan) got ready to install the pre-hung doors that we had purchased only to realize that the "oh-so-competent" prior owner didn't make the door ways wide enough -- like it lacked 1 1/2 inches. (Stupid us didn't think to measure BEFORE it was drywalled, mudded, sanded, mudded, sanded, mudded, sanded, primed, painted . . .you get the drift.) Not happy times at the Nelson household. So after weighing our options (custom doors, delaying carpet (NOT an option in my mind) my father suggested ripping out one of the 2X4's since it wasn't a load-bearing wall. Worked like a charm! Bryan was a bit apprehensive, though, and rightly so.

Last weekend we went to Huff-n-Puff -- Uncle Steve went with us -- lots of fun!

Joshua undoubtedly thought that the balloons were loud . . . .? (It IS a little alarming when they light up -- or whatever that's called).

OK . . . so we waited and waited (like 30 minutes) for a crazy balloon animal, only to get to the front of the line and find out they were closing shop. So -- we asked if we could have the "demo" on the front of the tent -- definetely not my first pick, but fulfilled our obligation!

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