Thursday, July 10, 2008

Basement update #3 of 364!!!

Sorry the blogging rate has been a little . .. um . . . slow! We have been CONSUMED by the crazy basement. I know, I know . . . you're going to look at the pics and say "It doesn't even look like work has been done" -- but trust me, WE HAVE BEEN WORKING ON IT!

Ceiling drywall is done (Can I hear an AMEN!) and we (well . . .Bryan) only has one soffet (however you spell that) left. Hopefully in the next week, the walls will be completed. Progress is just a little slow . .. (keep in mind we're a bunch of musicians . . . Drywalling 101 wasn't offered in our music courses!!!!)

Here's my hero -- I think Bryan will be more than a little excited to have the ceiling stuff done -- there is just nothing glamorous about working above your head! He's been a trooper because most of the time I'm busy keeping the kids occupied with . . .

things like this . . .! Kayla loves this little portable booster seat. She insists on having the seat belt on while dumping the beans back and forth in the dishes!

This was a "thing-a-ma-jig" that Joshua and I created sometime last week. You put a ball in the sweeper attachment, and it would ultimately end up in the egg carton at the bottom of the Legos lid. Unfortunately, it met it's untimely demise because we actually NEEDED the sweeper attachment for the mountains of drywall dust that accumulates!

Stay tuned!!!!

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