Thursday, October 11, 2007

Holy Cow . . .It's Been Forever!

My sincerest apologies to the three of you who are faithful blog-followers! One day just zips into another! But . . . here's the latest . . .

Our church had a Fall Fest. . . hay ride, corn maize (we opted out!), BBQ, etc. Mom was in IN, but Dad came for a little on his way back from MO. Never in a million years did I think that Grandpa would every get to go on a hayride with the kids. It was fun!

We hopped off the wagons to pick a pumpkin -- Kayla was impressed, don't you think?

Joshua was more impressed with the "shaker" -- the squash.
I guess he thought it looked like a maraca!

This is a pretty common before dinner scene at our house -- it's fun to have the neighborhood kids over -- most of the time:)

And our little baby . . . is now 11 months old! She's pretty fussy right now because she's cutting her 1-yr. molars, so I gave up on getting a "perfect" picture! That's about it from here -- I've been "Jungle-izing" the kid's bathroom -- more pics on that later. . . Hope everyone is enjoying the lovely Fall weather!


Tim, Kristen , Megan, Emily, and Anna said...

very cute pictures of the kids...look like you all had fun at the fall festival.

Karis said...

I love seeing your dad on the hayride and with the kids! I like this time of year with the Harvest parties and fall festivals -- and the weather has cooled from the 90s this week!

I can't believe Kayla is almost a year old! Those horrible one year molars. I have thought our Kayla's two year molar's were coming in so many times, but they never popped through . Just this week, one came through on all sides. She's been a little clingy and sleeping more (which I'm not complaining about) which I'm guessing is part of the teething.