Monday, November 03, 2014

Trick or Treat!

Batman, a Baseball player, and a Teacher!

Let's just say this whole Trick or Treating thing is much easier than it was about 5 year ago:)

Kayla -- getting ready to organize it:)

Joshua checking out his haul!

and Tyler!

Kayla wanted her picture taken with the principal and counselor on the way out of school on Friday!  We LOVE the staff at our school -- they are the best!  It was a reflective weekend at our house . . . last  Halloween (2013) was the last night we slept at our house in Topeka.  The next day, the kids went to school, the movers come, and then we said bye to the neighbors when the kids got home from school.  Don't really care to relive that day anytime soon:(  I made the comment to the kids tonight as we were doing homework...that last year, the first Monday in November was our first day of school at Warren Hills and we had boxes EVERYWHERE.  Wowza -- so glad we're settled!

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