Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Summer, summer, summer!

So -- I'm a bit behind:)  Several weeks ago we actually had a free day -- and took advantage of that day and went to see my grandparents in SE Kansas.  The treat this time?  Some kittens!  Since Bryan is allergic to cats, we will NEVER have cats in our house -- so this was a special treat!

Feeding the cats with great grandma and grandpa!

Since we don't live on a farm, it's always a treat to hang out there for a while!

This is a very sentimental picture -- I have distinct memories of swinging on this swing set with my cousins and siblings growing up!

Grandma specifically left the last few pieces "undone" on a puzzle so the kids could finish it:)

After a trip to McD's -- we only eat the finest -- we got to have some of Grandma's infamous "no bake cookies" -- they are the best!  I have given up trying to make those crazy things -- mine always turn out either like glue or crumbly!

On the way home to KC, we took a "slight" detour to my parents house . . . mom had a few strawberries that were in need of picking and I was happy to oblige!  

We created our own little reading incentive program this summer -- and the first benchmark for 120 minutes was McD's ice cream cone -- yay!!!!

We went to the KC zoo for the first time last week!  It was super fun!  This snake just freaks me out, though!

Waiting for the train.  It was warm!

A group "selfie" on the tram!

We got to ride on the sky way thingie -- I get a little wigged out!  This is 
Joshua and Kayla in front of us!

And, a little ride on the carousel at the zoo.  Since a very sweet lady from the church bought us a family zoo pass, we will get to go back many times and check out all of the different exhibits!

A little "four square" -- well, maybe a modified version!

Joshua and one of his pool buddies!

Joshua just can't get enough baseball . . . after playing four days in row for a tournament, he immediately started playing baseball in the pool with a buddy when we got home from our last game -- the boy just can't get enough!

Having lunch with Tyler at summer school!  This is a new adventure for us -- we never had summer school in Topeka.  We haven't exactly been . . .um . . . consistent, but I figure even a couple of days a week is good.  Tyler will at least have some idea what Kindergarten is like!  I just like my kiddos home so we can do fun things!

Kayla helping to keep score at Joshua's baseball game -- she doesn't exactly "dig" going to all of the games, but she really enjoyed this!

One day this week we made a complete impromptu trip to Mom and Dad's -- it was just a few hours, and the main objective was to help get rooms back together after new carpet was laid, and to hang with my niece.  Kayla is such a good little babysitter!

Oh and yes -- this would be baseball with long balloons at Grandma and Grandpas . . . it's all we are doing right now!

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