Saturday, May 11, 2013

Let's start with March . . .

I've been putting off bloggin FOREVER because I am so behind . . . so we'll start and see how far we get:)  Over Spring Break, our family took a short trip out to St. Louis.  We decided to make our "big" attraction the City Museum . . . and it was PERFECT for our family!  We went several years ago when Tyler was just a little guy, and the place isn't exactly stroller friendly!

 This slide was a big hit last time, and it was again this time!  The pics don't do it justice, but it is a crazy  high, long slide!

 And there's Kayla!

There are tons of unique tunnels and places to climb.  Let's just say if you tend to be claustrophobic, you might want to think twice!!!  

The younger two enjoyed the train!

So there's this crazy bowl/slide thing -- it's a pretty steep drop:)

I even got the nerve to try it!

 A little action shot . . .

And Tyler is not one to be left out . . .

 More crazy slides . . .

Last time we went this ball bit was the favorite . . . but we only spent a little bit of time there this time!

 This was the fastest slide -- Kayla made a friend while we were there.

Daddy and Tyler about ready to zoom down . . .

They also have an outdoor play structure -- it's pretty intense!  Climbing through the suspended tunnels/walkways can be a bit daunting . . .

Joshua managed to lose a tooth while we were there . . . it's funny how the Tooth Fairy 
can always find where you are!!!!  

The trip didn't quite go as planned, though.  The reason we chose St. Louis as our destination was so that we could swing by and spend some time with Great Grandpa as we've done many times in the past.  However, as we were gathering things up in the hotel room to go see him, I got a message from Aunt Marilyn.  Great Grandpa was on his way to the hospital in an ambulance . . . he had a stroke earlier that morning.  I was grateful that I was able to go and see him one last time at the hospital.  

Great Grandpa had an amazing 97 years on this earth and we are so grateful that we will be able to see him on the other side of Heaven!  He missed Grandma so much -- definitely a bittersweet thing.

We were grateful for the weather -- after many rainy/snowy days, we were blessed to have a sunny, bright day for his funeral.

Uncle John, Aunt Susanne, Mom, Aunt Marilyn

 Tyler's birthday was just around the corner, and he was telling EVERYONE at the funeral dinner that his birthday was on "March Firty-First" -- so Judy (one of the dear, dear ladies from Grandma and Grandpa's home town) found a candle and gave Tyler his very own piece of cake.  He was very proud of it.

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