Saturday, May 11, 2013

Beginning of May . . .

We've had a lot of Batman sightings lately . . .

Just cracks me up . . .

I guess Batman likes Oreos too . . .

Kayla's kindergarten class had a Spring program on Friday -- centered around the theme of "When I grow up . . ."

Kayla said she wanted to be a teacher because she likes to read to kids!

Kayla with her kindergarten teacher, Miss Patton, who she just adores.  

We've had a lot of this going on lately . . . we finally broke down and bought a 
pitching machine  -- it's much more accurate than we were:)

Kayla -- always ready to give a smile!


Today was a big day for Joshua -- the ball says "HRB" -- "Home Run Ball!"  He hit his first "out of the park" home run!  He has been living, eating, breathing and sleeping baseball lately so 
this was a big deal!

1 comment:

The Varner Crew said...

Wow Lisa! Great pictures. Looks like you all are busy and having fun.