Thursday, July 05, 2012

Summer Catch Up!

Last week, we wrapped up several summer activities -- swimming lessons, softball, and baseball!  We had a different venue this summer for lessons -- and I LOVED having all three lessons at the same time and not having to worry about the heat and sun.  With temps into the 100's each day, that was HUGE!  In hindsight, we probably should have waited an extra year with Tyler, but after the first several days, he got through lessons with tears (and bribery of Skittles!).  He never intentionally put his head under water -- one day a kid bumped him into the pool and he went under!  But, it was a great "intro" to swimming lessons!

It was hard to get good pics in the natatorium -- here was K doing a back float.

 Goofy boy!

Like I said, Tyler wasn't too keen about putting his head down:) 

This was the ritual . . . as soon as class was over, they would shiver their way through the lobby, and then lay in the sun.  Pretty cute! 

 Joshua's baseball wrapped up their season-end tournament.  They entered the tourney as the #3 seed, and ended up placing 3rd.  Let's just say that B and I realized we definitely have a competitive side about us:)

 Getting their trophies . . . so proud of them!

 One last team huddle!

 Very proud of this!

K's season wrapped up too -- with a 4pm game at about 101 degrees.  It was warm:)  Lots of water.

 Kayla always "swung for the fence" -- no wimpy girl swings for her!

Like I said . . .

 This pic just cracked me up . . . I'm thinking that we didn't quite hit the ball off the tee . . .

Always time for a little social time! Great summer -- but we must admit that the schedule is much more free now that baseball and softball are over.  Between the two of them, they had 28 games -- no wonder it seemed like we were at Ken Berry A LOT!!!!  Totally worth it though -- proud of both of you!

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