Thursday, July 05, 2012

 I'm only about one month late on all of this -- ugh!  J and K did a two-week "Fun Factory" -- singing, dancing, crafts, keyboarding, etc. and really enjoyed it. They had a short "program" at the end --

 Joshua's group . . .

 Kayla's group . . .

 We're still not sure how he did this -- but Tyler somehow managed to piled ALL EIGHT cushions BY HIMSELF on this couch.  We didn't even realize what he was doing until he was DONE.  He was pretty proud of his accomplishment!

This pic is sweet for so many reasons . . . When the kids finish swimming in the backyard, they like to go to the driveway in the front to warm up.  One day last week, they had finished "warming up" and decided to practice some batting.  J was doing a great job helping Tyler -- except that poor Tyler is left-handed and his batting coach is right-handed:)

 Not sure why the piano practice needed to be done at the same time as chewing on the blanket???? 
Yuck!  I didn't complain though . . .he was practicing!

K had her first sleepover . . .across the street!  She had a blast!  I think she told me 10 different times all the things she needed to be sure and remember for her sleepover!

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