Friday, June 11, 2010

Trip to Worlds of Fun!

This past week, we took advantage of WOF's Twilight deal and had a GREAT time as a family! It was one of the days you just want to "bottle up" and remember forever! We got there at 4 pm and walked out at 9 pm -- and ALL THREE KIDS did great! No melt-downs, fits, or tantrums. Amazing. And, there were no lines -- literally.

Bryan took the older two on this . . . not very up close, I know!

Joshua was 48" exactly . . . and I do mean exactly . . . so he was "eligible" to ride some of the "big people" rides. Since Kayla could ride with an adult, Joshua ended up riding most by himself -- he was such a trooper!

On the carousel

Hanging out at Camp Snoopy (the kid's area)

Two years ago, we spent FOREVER here! Still enjoyed it this time.

Probably the most enjoyable part for Tyler of the whole day! Once you scooped enough balls into the hoses . . .

. . . this would happen! The cart tips and it "rains" balls!

This catepillar kid's roller coaster was probably the favorite of the day. I bet J & K rode it 15 times AT LEAST. Since there were no lines, the ride personnel would just ask if they wanted to ride it again instead of unbuckling/rebuckling, etc. It was great!

Happy as a clam!

Kayla LOVED seeing Snoopy . . . Joshua . . . um . .. not so much!

1 comment:

Tim, Kristen , Megan, Emily, and Anna said...

Lisa, we just went to Worlds of Fun on Thursday. James and Laura are back visiting so we took a trip to Worlds of Fun. It was a lot of fun, and Megan really enjoyed those little rides! She loves the ball play area, and could have stayed there all day. Glad you guys had such a good time at Worlds of Fun!