Tuesday, April 06, 2010

This and That

Well, the biggest news from the Nelson's . . . is that Joshua learned how to ride his bike without training wheels last night! Bryan took the wheels off on Sun. night, it rained most of Monday, and Mon. evening he suprised us all when he started off on his own! I think Bryan was the most excited . . . he was the designated "runner behind the bike!"

There are SOO many kids on this street -- so fun to see them all together! It was neat to hear the two other boys who just recently learned to ride cheering Joshua on! They were giving him hints along the way, too!
I promised Joshua when the weather got warmer he could do this silly string from Uncle Ryan -- and sure enough, the first "warm" day we had, he remembered about my promise!

This is the best I've done so far at capturing Tyler's "distinctive" toothy grin! His "fang" teeth came in before his front ones . . . quite the sight right now!

This is Tyler's favorite "perch!" The buttons on the CD player are quite the attraction right now!
Definitely enjoying the warmer weather!

Two things to note: This is actually Joshua's bike before the training wheels came off -- she was delighted that she was big enough, and we were shocked he allowed her to ride it! Secondly, she rounded up this bag of goodies on her own and announced that she was "going to Target!" You go, girl!

Not sure what exercises Tyler was trying to do!

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