Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Tyler 11 months

And this would be Mr. 11-month old . . . wow. He is officially mobile (not walking, though!) -- and has learned the joys of pulling himself up on steps, his crib, couch, etc.

Yum, yum!

Our three kiddos

There are only 10 lbs. separating Kayla and Tyler!

Kayla has been cracking us up lately with her antics . . . here she informed me she was "mowing the grass."

She set this tea party up ENTIRELY on her own . . .hilarious!

Reading to her baby . . .

And with this one, she came in with a blanket on her head and asked me to clip it so she could "get married!"

1 comment:

Karis said...

11 months already?!? It hardly seems possible.

Loved the pictures of Kayla and how she's been using her imagination lately. Those things are so hard to catch on camera, and it's great to have something to remind you of this time. So much fun!