Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Tyler's One Month

Here's our little man at one month! He LOVES the swing-- I'll even admit that a couple of nights when sleep was at a minimum, I let him sleep in it because I SO DESPERATELY wanted some sleep! So far, he seems to be ok on the whole extreme fussiness front -- and for that we are very thankful!

This pic doesn't really show the battle wound -- but we had quite the adventure last week. At about 3:30 am, we heard this SCREAM from Joshua's room. We ran in, only to discover he had fallen out of bed, and there was blood on his sheets from a bloody nose (we thought). When we turned on the lights, we discovered that he had actually split his lip -- not just gotten a bloody nose, and determined that we needed to get him into the ER. So, since Tyler was going to need to nurse soon, Bryan took Joshua in at 4am.

Joshua was a HUGE trooper and didn't cry even once. (He was very confused, though, why they went in a different entrance than when Tyler was born and they came to visit me in the hospital -- funny!) Thankfully, the dr. was able to "super glue" it and no stitches were required. He has been great about not picking at the "glue" and it is looking better and better. They got home at 5:30am and Kayla was up a little after 6 ready to start the morning. Wow. Check out Bryan's blog for more in-depth reporting!

The day following Joshua's "incident" he had his AWANA Cubbies Award night. It brought back SOO many memories of when we were in AWANA a few, ok, more than a few years ago! They sang a few songs -- and as you can see, Joshua was quite "animated" in his singing!

Joshua with two of his Cubbies leaders -- he had a great experience this year!

Our first corn on the cob! I made the mistake of telling Joshua at noon we were going to need to shuck the corn for the evening meal . . . holy cow . . . I think he asked me about it every 15 minutes! He was VERY excited to show Kayla the detailed method for shucking corn.

Kayla's first try at eating corn on the cob!

And, last but not least, a little family bonding time playing musical chairs.
Yes -- count the chairs -- three chairs, three people. It just works better than way with little ones!


Tim, Kristen , Megan, Emily, and Anna said...

We are having our Awana awards night next Wednesday...this year in Awana seemed to go by quickly. Cubbies are so cute...glad Joshua had a good year! (Sparks are really cute too...that is who I work with!) Tyler is so cute. Hopefully we will get to see him sometime soon! Loved the musical chairs picture. Everybody wins! Hope you are getting enough sleep these days as I am sure you are super busy.

Karis said...

Completely understand about the sleeping in the swing!

Loved the picture of Joshua enthusiastically singing! You got a lot out of that "still" picture.

Sorry to hear about the fall out of bed. Wow -- I'm impressed that he stayed so calm. I'm just remembering Kayla with the peanut episode and her to put it mildly, lack of calmness.