Monday, December 03, 2007

Happy 3rd Birthday, Joshua!

Our "baby" turned 3 this weekend! After Kayla's b-day several weeks ago, he was MORE than ready to have his own birthday! It still is so surreal to have family here for birthdays -- we just feel so incredibly blessed!

Opening gifts!

His gift from us was a guitar, or "guitar he-ho" (hero) as he calls it! Actually, it's just a pretend guitar but he's enjoying it . . .and so is Bryan!

He is very much into Thomas the Train-- this was as close to having a "train" birthday cake as I could get!

And not to be upstaged, Kayla decided to take her first steps the day of Joshua's party! She's pretty shaky, but is getting braver and better every day! It really is fun to see the two of them playing together now that she is vertical much more.

1 comment:

Karis said...

Wow -- 3 already! That's neat that they're able to play more at this stage of Kayla's life. Our Kayla can't wait to play with Krista. She keeps bringing her toys to play with. Today I told her that Krista would play with her better when she was older, and Kayla said, "when she's old enough to wear shoes." Not sure where she got that logic...