Thursday, December 27, 2007

Confusing order

Alright -- I just realized that I had a whole stash of pictures that were "hiding" so . . . this is all going to be out of order. I know . . . for you Type A's out there (like I am) . . .it'll just kill ya!

Like father like son!

One of my favorite things to do with Joshua is hang out in the kitchen! He loves helping me! And, I've learned that when it comes to sugar cookies with 3 year-olds . . . it's better just to buy a mix and get to the fun part (choosing the shapes, sprinkles, etc.!)

It is a very long 8 minutes!

Hear ye . . .hear ye . . . this microphone stand was actually constructed by Mommy! Joshua has learned that I can only do the objects that have pictures on the outside of the TinkerToy container. Otherwise, he has to wait for Daddy to come home!

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