Wednesday, July 02, 2014

Take me out to the ballgame!

What a fun summer spent at the ball diamonds!  This was Tyler's first time playing T-ball . . . that boy is just a crack up.  He had a great beginning coach -- it takes someone special to coach that age!

He looks so little!!!!

We still don't know where he picked this up . . . but this was his "go to" stance when he was on the base waiting to go to the next base.  No one could accuse him of not being ready!

However, the last few games, this became his "go to "stance . . . I'm thinking he watched one too many tournament games of Joshua's team where the boys could lead off:)  He kept us laughing the whole season!

Kayla also played with Liberty P&R -- and since her team had lots of girls from her school, she definitely loved the social aspect!

This was her first year of being on machine pitch -- and she did really well with that!  I think she much preferred the consistency of the machine over the inconsistency of me pitching when we would hit just for fun at home!

Definitely got it from her daddy (and NOT mommy), but she did a really good job catching/stopping the ball.  She got right in there!

It was a big deal with Kayla got the game ball for the night!

And this is Joshua.  This was definitely a learning experience for EVERYONE this summer!  We knew that with this being the first year his team had been together, and the first year for kid-pitch that it would be a learning/growing experience . . . and it certainly was!!!!!  However, the team really has improved  this year, the coaches totally know what they're doing -- it just takes time!  In the mean time, we keep reminding ourselves (mainly me . . . I'm REALLY competitive!!!!!)  that these sports experiences truly are character-building elements, and there will be sometime down the road of life when we'll be thankful we went through this season of not winning every time!

Joshua did a little pitching...

 . . . it's amazing how you start counting EVERY SINGLE pitch when your son is on the mound! 

I love this picture!  Especially the sweat stains on the hat . . .!

Several weeks ago the team got to go hang at Kauffman Stadium with former Royals players who ran some stations/clinics.  I wouldn't say there was a huge amount of personal instruction, but it was cool to be down on the field, be in the bull pens, dug outs, etc!

Getting some autographs!

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