Monday, July 01, 2013

The kids have been doing some summer day camps here and there . . .

Joshua did a week of Camp Kanakuk through our church . . .we still hear about the Dodge Ball, Wiffle Ball, etc!  He will spontaneous break into one of their "chants" they use to get the kids all riled up -- it's funny!

He had a great week in Tent Six!

Kayla chose to do a camp through Parks and Rec with several of the neighbor girls -- they got to swim every single day so she was a happy camper!

Joshua also did a few days of Basketball Camp at Washburn.  His team ended up doing well on the last day of tournament play.

Since they were the "champs" in their tourney bracket, they got to play the coaches -- I still 
hear about how they "ALMOST" beat them!

Tyler also did a day camp at Parks and Rec -- and on the last day they put on a little program . . .

 . . . I think he was practicing his ninja moves here????

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