Sunday, July 04, 2010

Happy July 4th

To say that Joshua was excited about July 4th would positively be the understatement of the year! When it started raining this afternoon, no pouring, we had one pretty upset little boy. But, the weather cleared by 8 and things started happening!

Still not so fond of the "unnecessarily loud" (mama's words) fire works!

My brother and sis-in-law were in town this past so we got to hang out with them and do fun things with the cousins . . . like light off more fireworks! Yes . . . the extension cord served as the "safety barrier!"

J determined to catch the parachute!

Eating with EVERYONE at Chuch E. Cheese -- that's a mass of humanity there!

Uncle Ryan might have played a substantial role in our ticket accumulation!

Aunt Carly and Lena Mae . . . this was our first chance to see Steve and Freya's youngest!

Last week, we took the day to go visit Great Grandma & Great Grandpa. Lots of fun. For the record . . . notice that EVERYONE is not only looking at the camera but also smiling . . . truly a miracle!
Tyler, Bryan and Grandpa . . . studying the latest corn crop

Grandma and Tyler . . . why of course, they planned on having matching outfits!

J & K had lots of fun swinging on the swings . . . talk about a trip down memory lane!

1 comment:

Tim, Kristen , Megan, Emily, and Anna said...

Wow, those swings at Grandma's sure does bring back a lot of memories! Enjoyed the pictures!