Saturday, November 21, 2009

Happy 5th B-day Joshua!

Joshua celebrated his 5th b-day this week at preschool so I thought I'd post a few pics! This week was also Joshua's "helper" day -- which explains why he is sitting at the head of the table. It is so funny how the kids know EXACTLY what they get to do when it is their "helper" day!

Helper day also involves getting to bring show and tell -- a very, very big deal to an almost-5 year old!

And the b-day box . . . he was SOOO excited about getting to see what's in the box!

Blowing out the candles on the "cake!" (a wax edition)

And, today we had our very first every "friend" b-day party. Yeah -- it's several weeks early, but with Bryan's light show schedule, the free time on the weekends are non-existent until January. We went with an Outer Space theme -- and in the above pic they were testing what the "moon rocks" had inside them! (I had made a baking soda paste and molded it around several plastic toys, then when you put it in vinegar . . . it bubbles and viola . . . you see the toy inside!

We had to wear goggles because it was a very dangerous experiment!

Tossing the balls into the planets

Joshua giving it a try.

Bryan working his magic with the kids. From what I hear, he is exceptional at this on Wed.. night with the 3 and 4-year old Cubbies, too!

Joshua was very adamant on having blue icing on the cupcakes . . .

Opening gifts . . .

Look above the steps . . . yes, we had our very own "meteor shower" indoors!

The kids had fun unwrapping all of the "meteors!"

Even thought we're a bit "pooped" it was so much fun -- just very, very hard to believe our oldest is five. Holy Cow. We're planning on a "family" birthday after Thanksgiving. Have a great Thanksgiving!

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