Friday, January 02, 2009

Christmas in WI

We got back several days ago, and just had a blast with M/D in WI! It is truly one of the few times I feel like we relax as a family! We left after the Christmas Eve Service at about 8:30 pm and pulled into their driveway at 6:30 AM (note -- it took 10 hours). Besides having a filling station that pumped about 1 gallon of gas per hour at 2am, the trip was very uneventful. The kids were pumped about watching "Wall-E" on the way and I think Joshua finally went to sleep at about midnight!

The ping-pong table got some decent use this visit -- mostly Bryan and Grandpa, but Joshua tried to join in on the action at times! He actually did half decent and LOVED trying to play!

Father-son bonding!

Kayla opening gifts -- sorry, these are a little out of order, I guess!

Grandpa reading the Christmas story.

The best part about WI this year was the SNOW -- and LOTS of it! When we pulled in on Thursday morning, it was piled high! We brought the kid's snow gear and had a blast. Well -- Kayla wasn't so fond of the sled, I guess!

Bryan positioning Joshua for the perfect run down the hill!

In action! We actually just used the snow banks from the parking lot for sledding -- there was plenty of slope involved!

Mommy and Kayla

Grandma is such the trooper -- She was always willing to bundle the kiddos up and hit the snow for a few minutes!

Our little marshmallow!

Yep -- the whole bundling up part is always a blessing, isn't it????

Bryan showing Grandpa the finer details of the iPhone! We left at 10:45 AM to leave WI, and arrived at our house at 11:45 PM -- yep, that would make the trip home 13 hours long! But, the kids did just pretty good during the day and it was SOOO worth it!


Karis said...

What a wonderful visit. I loved it that you said you guys were able to relax -- that will go a long way as another busy year starts up.

I also loved the part about Grandma always being willing to go through the bundling process for a few minutes in the snow. Grandmas are so good for those kind of things -- so unselfish and just loving to see the happiness of the grandkids.

I remember seeing a picture on Bryan's blog with dictionaries and a Boggle game gaming. That made me laugh.

Anonymous said...

where you come from!