Thursday, March 27, 2008

Happy Easter!

Because I can only post 5 pics at a time, this will take several posts! We were SOOOOO happy to have Bryan's parents here for a week over Easter. They left this morning, and the kids (and I) and going through SERIOUS detox! It was like having a live-in babysitter, dishwasher, and child entertainer for a week!

We had an Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, and it was more than a little chilly! I think we hid about 50 eggs, and since Kayla wasn't all that interested, Joshua had free reign!

Since our back yard is very, very open, it was hard to be "discreet" about hiding the eggs!

Kayla LOVES going up the ladder and down the slide . . .

. . . head first!

1 comment:

Karis said...

I understand about adjusting to life after the grandparents leave. It is so much fun when they can visit.